The Friends provide considerable financial support to Elstow Abbey for the maintenance of this historic building and to improve its facilities. This has included repairs to the nave roof, the replacement of the badly rusted guards protecting the stained glass windows and the refurbishment of the vestry.
Membership of The Friends presents to all who hold the Abbey dear an opportunity to share in this dual enterprise.
Membership of The Friends, be it for personal, family or historic reasons, makes it possible to create a living link with the Abbey and encourages support towards meeting the heavy cost of maintenance.
Cost of Membership
- Individual : £15 p.a.
- Family : £21 p.a.
- Concessionary : £9 p.a
- Life membership : £120
For further information and for a Gift Aid form , please contact the Treasurer via this e-mail link:
Elstow Abbey Friends Treasurer
For general enquiries please contact us via the following e-mail link:
Elstow Abbey Friends
Charity Registered no. 1044100