May 30th 2021
Trinity Sunday
At Last!… the sun is promising to show itself and stay for a while, it’s a bank holiday weekend and half-term too. How wonderful.
It was great to see so many people last Sunday for our outdoor Pentecost Worship. It was probably the windiest Holy Communion I’ve ever presided at. This Sunday we return indoors with a 9:00am BCP said Holy Communion live-streamed to our YouTube channel:
and a 10:00am Holy Communion with live music, which will be live-streamed to the church Facebook page. This weekend also sees a wedding and a baptism happening in church, so things are slowly picking up again.
Sadly, this evening should have been our first outdoor play, ’The Tempest’. Unfortunately due to misinformation at the beginning of the week from the government the theatre company made the decision to cancel their visit here.
However, I’m pleased to say that the group booked to bring us ‘Romeo & Juliet’ on Wednesday (June 2nd) this week have definitely confirmed they’re coming.
As the weather looks like being brilliant, what better thing is there than to bring a picnic, blanket or chair and enjoy a carnival of passion and imagination, as The Fools present an inventive take on the world’s best-known love story.
Book now:
On Thursday this week (3rd June) on the feast of Corpus Christi, I’m please to say I’m able to return to Wixam’s Retirement Village for a Service of Holy Communion at 11:00am.
This coming Friday (4th June) also sees the first new choir practice. Sadly we still do not know when everybody will be able to sing in church, but we hope and pray it won’t be too long.
YouTube and Facebook links:
During April 2021 our YouTube channel had over 200 views with over 700 minutes watched. If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Rev’d Fr. Paul Messam
Priest-in-charge of the Elstow Abbey and Elstow Team.
Assistant Area Dean of Bedford
Abbey Vicarage
Church End
Bedford MK42 9XT
01234 261477